Member-only story
It’s official — I’m autistic!
Four visual ways to explain what it’s like.
Having written about it previously, I have now done it. I’ve had my final appointment with the doctor who’s been working with me for the past year, who has written my formal letter confirming my diagnosis of autism and that I meet the criteria set out in the DSM-5.
This should probably feel like a more monumental occasion than it does. I suppose because I have known about it for a year, it’s less of a shock and I was prepared for it. But it is without doubt a life-changing moment.
I plan to make the most of what I know now. I can advocate for autism awareness, just like I’m doing with this article! I can work on my blind spots to help me navigate work a little more comfortably. And most importantly, I can be kinder to myself, and seek kindness in others.
To celebrate my diagnosis, I’ve looked through all my notes and weblinks and put together what I think are the three best visuals about autism that I’m aware of. If you have more, share more!
What is Autism?
Naturally I had to start with something that summarises what autism is — if it’s new to you, this is a logical place to start.
Key takeaways: autism is a condition, sometimes hidden, which leads to differences in behaviour and interaction…