I can’t get diagnosed!

Edward Adams
6 min readFeb 3, 2023

Adding ADHD to my neurodivergences is proving harder than I thought.

Wow. Neurodivergence in a neurotypical world can be really frustrating and soul-destroying at times! (image courtesy of Aarón Blanco Tejedor via Unsplash)

I’ve been diagnosed as autistic for some time now, and it’s changed my world. I accept myself far better, and encourage others to do the same too.

But it’s not enough.

It explains some of my challenges around communication and perception, and absolutely epitomises my regular feelings of burning out. It also makes sense as to why I have such special interests, and some superpowers that enable me to do my job really, really well (easy for me to say!).

But what it doesn’t explain is some other symptoms.

I am becoming increasingly aware that I’m a restless soul. If I’m not working or doing tasks, I’m fidgeting. Sitting on the sofa and just watching something on the TV isn’t for me — I love TV and film, but have to be doing something else at the same time that furthers me, whether that’s chores, other admin, or doing something for my future, such as writing on Medium!

Being restless sounds good in a way, surely it means you achieve more. Not ideal, though, when combined with an increasingly poor organisational setup, and struggling with time management. I arguably set myself unachievable targets for each day, and then punish myself for not hitting them.



Edward Adams

I write about: transformation, innovation and design thinking; autism and mental health; workplace culture and effectiveness.